About DentalXChange
A brief overview about DentalXChange, what we do and who we are.
Add a Service or Package
Learn how to enhance the functionality of the DentalXChange account by adding a variety of packages and services.
Alert Settings
Quick guide on email notifications for security alerts for Validation Alerts, Statement Alerts and Billing Alerts.
Batch Claims Overview
Learn about ClaimConnect's batch claims service and the various ways that batch claims can be submitted.
Billing and Reporting
Learn how to add or change billing information on an account, view billing statements, and view or download activity management reports.
Change Practice Management System
Users may need the ability to update, change, and/or add a Practice Management System to an existing DentalXChange account.
ClaimConnect Marketing - Full Version
Project for Marketing and ClaimConnect
Complete a Provider Match
Learn how to resolve a provider match validation error, which occurs the first time a claim is submitted for a provider from a Practice Management System.
Correct a Claim with Validation Errors
Claims may be identified with a validation error preventing submission to the payer until corrected. Learn the process of accessing, reviewing, and correcting claims with validation errors.
Create a Claim
Learn how to submit a claim using the Direct Data Entry (DDE) claim form tool. The tool allows a provider to submit one claim or pretreatment estimate at a time through the DentalXChange website with no Practice Management System required.
Create a Pretreatment Estimate
Learn how to use DentalXChange's ClaimConnect service to submit a pretreatment estimate to an insurance payer for preapproval, before a procedure is performed.