Videos tagged 'ClaimConnect'
Batch Claims Overview
Learn about ClaimConnect's batch claims service and the various ways that batch claims can be submitted.
Billing and Reporting
Learn how to add or change billing information on an account, view billing statements, and view or download activity management reports.
Create a Pretreatment Estimate
Learn how to use DentalXChange's ClaimConnect service to submit a pretreatment estimate to an insurance payer for preapproval, before a procedure is performed.
Create a Secondary Claim After a Primary Claim
Complete a secondary insurance claim after the primary claim has been adjudicated, via ClaimConnect on the DentalXChange website.
Create a Secondary Claim With a Primary Claim
Complete a secondary insurance claim simultaneously with a primary claim, via ClaimConnect on the DentalXChange website.
Create an Encounter
The Dental Health Maintenance Organization (DHMO) services package provides a range of features for practices. Learn how to submit encounters and capitation data electronically.
Delete a Claim
Learn how to utilize the delete action by locating and verifying claims requiring deletion.
Differentiating Solicited and Unsolicited Attachments
Learn the differences between solicited and unsolicited attachments, as well as how to submit an attachment to the payer using DentalXChange Attachment Services.
Find a Claim
Learn to find a claim using the tools available on the ClaimConnect Claim/Encounter Search page.
How to Check Patient's Eligibility
Learn how to check a patient's eligibility via general benefits, an overall explanation of the plan benefits, single category or by procedure code.
Install DentalXChange Desktop Services Application
Learn to install DentalXChange Attachments software with various browsers.
Labeling Teeth on a Claim Form
Learn how to mark and label teeth on a claim form including tooth numbers including juvenile and adult supernumerary teeth, surfaces of the teeth, and procedure codes.