Videos tagged 'ClaimConnect'
Mark a Claim as Pending
Learn how to mark a claim as pending, and how to submit a pended claim at a later time.
Pend a Claim when Information Is Missing
Learn how to mark a claim as pending and how to submit a pended claim at a later time.
Processing and Reviewing ERA Reports
Learn about locating an ERA on DentalXChange's website, as well as processing, matching, and reviewing ERA reports.
Research Claim History
Learn how to access and interpret available claim status information on the ClaimConnect claim history page.
Resubmit a Rejected Claim
Claims can be rejected for a variety of reasons. Learn how to locate the reason for a claim's rejection, as well as the process for re-submission.
Save a Claim for Later
When a provider creates a claim into ClaimConnect but does not want to submit the claim to the payer for a variety of reason, the claim can be saved for later submission.
Submit a Duplicate Claim
Claims with the duplicate status remain on hold until the error is removed. Learn how to confirm claim details and submit a duplicate claim.
Submit an Attachment Requested by an ERA or EOB
A provider may receive an Explanation of Benefits, or an Electronic Remittance Advice requesting additional information. Learn how these items can be provided with DentalXChange attachment services.
Submit an Attachment when Creating a Claim
Claims entered run through validation rules. A claim that requires an attachment for payer review may be halted if additional items are not included during claim submission process. Learn when to add an attachment during the creation of a claim.
Understanding Claim Submission Statuses
ClaimConnect assigns one of several claim statuses to the claim that either signify an error or the claim's current location in the adjudication process. This video will explain the most common statuses.
Understanding Dental Claims
Review the life cycle of a claim, the many types of claims, and the different parties involved in the claim process.
Understanding Orientation of X-Rays
It is very important to understand and correctly label the orientation of the X-Ray when it is attached to the claim. Learn ways to identify the orientation of an X-Ray in this video.